Saturday, July 18, 2009

When they speak, we listen.

I believe that when the general authorities speak, we have the choice to listen. When it comes to me and my choice, I choose to do what my Father in Heaven wants for me. Here are some articles given by the brethren about the media and the influence it can make and the choices we can make.

Brad J. Bushman talks about violence in the media in the article "It's Only Violence"

This article has no one named author but was published in the 1987 Ensign, "Helping Children Understand the Media's influence"

Joe J. Christensen talks about raising a family in a troubled environment in, "Rearing Children in a Polluted Environment"

The Young Men and Young Women manuals even have lessons about the media and its influence. "Avoiding Degrading Media Influences" in the Young Women's Manual 1

and "Avoiding Degrading Media Influences" in the Aaronic Priesthood Manual 2

One of my favorite is the CES Fireside's by Elder Bednar that he gave here on campus. "Things as they really are.",4945,538-1-4830-1,00.html

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