Friday, July 3, 2009

Media observation 11 - Neda, the Iranian girl

I have not seen the video, however Neda, the young girl shot dead int the street during Iranian protests has been all over the news. Every time I tune into NPR or any other local news station, you are bound to hear about Neda, and the impact her death has had on the protesting community.

As sad as it is to capture protesting on video, how tragic would it be to capture the death of someone, let alone a young someone, who has so much left in their life. It is crazy to think that someone would even post it on the Internet for the world to see. However, it seems that the effect of this death and the video of it has had an impact on the world. So in a very sad way, the media has opened the eyes of the world to situations worse than theirs, and has prompted some sort of change.

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