Saturday, July 18, 2009

Media observation 25 - Walter Cronkite

My dad is a huge space fan. He grew up with astronaut pictures on his wall. Every year we go to Florida we always go to the Kennedy Space Center and never get tired of learning and seeing everything that has to do space shuttles, the International Space Station, and of course, astronauts. In fact, there was one opportunity that my dad had that I now regret not being there for. He got to meet and talk with Jim Lovell - the pilot of Apollo 13. (He has got to be one of my distant relatives, but I am not positive.) Which brings me to my connecting point, the one way i remember Walter Cronkite is from his broadcast of the 1969 moon landing. That is very emotional and very real for my dad and has therefore made it even more important and more special to me whenever I get to see reruns. I love Cronkite's voice and the way he puts his broadcasts together. I think he is like Don LaFontaine. Very extraordinary in their work and very important characters in the media business.

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