Monday, July 6, 2009

Media observation - 14 Jon Schmidt/Taylor Swift/Coldplay

I cannot believe how much music can do for the mind, the body and the soul. On Sunday, when you sing a hymn you are more often then not, moved and touched by the Spirit that is brought into the room. When we participate in singing our national anthem, we are moved in a different way, moved in a way that we remember the freedoms that we have and the love that we have for the this country and all that we are blessed with. However, when you see a music video, like the one performed by Jon Schmidt, you are moved in a different way. You come to recognize the passion someone has for their song. You are moved by the beauty and majesty of the music being played by only a handful of instruments and I believe, inspired to want to try and accomplish something as beautiful and as majestic as it. It is pretty amazing that all of this can be observed because it is mad available to the public through YouTube, a major mass media. I recommend watching it.

To listen, visit this site

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