Friday, July 10, 2009

Media Observation 17 - Women in the media

I know I have been kind of on this women in the media being, but it is kind of a big deal for me, because well, I am a women, and am consumed by the media daily, almost hourly! I just got out of a class where we talked about pregnancy and women. How it affects them, what it does hormonal wise and how it affects the father. One thing that kind of got brought forward was this thing about the weight that women gain. It is absolutely healthy for women to gain weight as they are pregnant. Now you can gain not enough and you can gain too much, but there is a healthy medium and I think that too many women believe that any weight added on will only make them look even more fat and more disgusting. NOT TRUE! My grandpa told me that a women has this aura about her when she is pregnant, sure she might be throwing up every other day and sleeping the other half of the day, but all in all she is genuinely happy to be carrying and feeling this baby grow inside of her. I wish that instead of focusing on the woes of gaining that extra 25-30 pounds, that they would focus on the 25-30% happiness the mother is gaining by having this opportunity. How much better they might feel about themselves or all the characteristics and talents they are learning and gaining.

But I guess I have to be a realist and just accept the fact that if everything were rainbows and roses, then journalists wouldn't have a job.

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