Thursday, July 16, 2009

Media observation 24 - Different sort of Entertainment

I had the great opportunity to attend a different sort of entertainment last night. I drove the long and windy road to West Yellowstone to attend a Playmill production. It was super fantastic. I had only been up there once before last year to watch Oklahoma! This year we got to see Footloose. It was interesting because, I had never personally seen or read any of the story, so I didn't know what was going on or what was supposed to, however some of my family that had, said there were definitely some differences. They added some songs to it that weren't part of the original movie and the clothing and jokes that they wore were both crazy 70's and then very much of what someone would wear today. I found it very humorous how they incorporated that into this older show. It was very amusing and very touching. The actors were awesome! I bet that it took quite a while to learn and practice everything. A lot different than movie films and product ins.

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