Friday, July 3, 2009

Media Observation 12 - media and Politics

As I was perusing the news, I discovered that Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska is resigning her governorship at the end of the month. Next in the article was the fact that Palin may be stepping down because she wants to get a head start on the 2012 campaign. What makes this so "blog worthy" is that President Obama just got put into office, six months ago! And yet people are already thinking of who is going to be the next President. In one of the clips that I watched about it, the reporter said that nobody knew who Barack Obama was before the Presidential Campaign, however through the constant coverage of the media, he was made known - and made the President! I believe that those who are beginning to campaign this soon are wanting to get their faces in the media, to get known. To get themselves out into the American public.

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