Thursday, July 16, 2009

Article 11 - Blockbuster

Blockbuster Fires Back at Netflix with Samsung Deal

Blockbuster announced on the 14th of July a deal with Samsung Electronics to bring on-demand content to home theaters. They joined to give consumers access to Blockbuster's library of digital entertainment on new and select Samsung HDtv's, home theater systems, and Blu-ray interfaces. Chairman of Blockbuster said the agreement carries the video-rental one step forward. The Blockbuster OnDemand service offers features that will be attractive to home-theater users. It eliminates viewing information on a PC, users will be able to do an on-screen search with browsing capabilities, full details, ratings, trailers and other information. Once you push play, the movie begins instantly without interruptions. This merger cam about because Samsung is constantly seeking ways to provide greater value to their customers. They plan on having the Blockbuster OnDemand service into Samsung Blu-ray Disc players and HDTv's this fall.

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