Thursday, July 16, 2009

Article 9 - Latter - day Saint Use of Media

In December of 2007, Elder Ballard, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints, challenged graduating students of BYU - Hawaii to let their voices be heard by proclaiming the gospel through the use of media. This challenge was reiterated in the July 2008 Ensign. Since then, members have heeded that call. Far too many people have a poor understanding of the Church because most of the information they hear about the Church is from news media reports that are driven by controversies. With the use of social networks expanding worldwide, thousand of Church member's have joined online groups dedicated to expanding gospel knowledge and "letting their voice be heard." The Church's Public Affairs department maintain the YouTube channel messages that features 40 videos and 16,000 subscribers. Later - day Saints have also made a strong impact on the popular social network Facebook. Starting in 2007, the Provo MTC began the "Task a Question" like on the Church's information Web site, Those seeking to learn about the Church can speak directly with missionaries through the chat room.

News form the Scroll, June 30, 2009

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