Friday, July 3, 2009

Media observation 10, Transformers 2

My spouse and I were so excited to watch the new Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen. Even returning to Yahoo and watching a trailer still starts to pump my adrenaline, although I have already seen it. What I am so disappointed in though, is myself. There are parts in the movie that were so inappropriate and that should have discouraged me and especially my Spirit, but because I have come to accept some of the ways of the world, that it no longer makes me uncomfortable and want to leave the theater.

As I watched Batman, The Dark Knight I was so uncomfortable. I never had any desire to see it in the first place, but my spouse wanted to so I went for him. However, I had my ears plugged, I was hiding behind him in the theater and just trying to keep myself together when the most brilliant thing happened, I told myself that I could walk out! I didn't have to stay there. And so I did. Why didn't I do this in Transformers 2? I think that because I was so excited about this "great" movie and knew that there had to be some good that came from it I was overlooking and letting myself be OK with the college girl/Decepticon that attempts to do bad things with Sam - and make it look good and OK.

I therefore conclude, that Satan is slowly getting to us, even to those good and uplifting people. Transformers is about good and doing good, but look at what was still portrayed and displayed. Satan is slowly getting into our society and unless we choose to stand against it, we will not be strong enough to resist it when it really comes.

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