Monday, July 13, 2009

Media observation 20 - Books

I believe it sad to see the book breed dieing. Even as I go to the library to do homework, I hardly ever see someone filing through the bookshelves to get themselves a book. Instead, I see rows and rows of computers and students completing their work via technology and the Internet. As guilty as I am do doing the aforementioned, I believe that we all have a responsibility to pick up a few more books and watch a little less television. Our minds, our imagination will not have the opportunity to grow if we don't give it the chance to. Our children will not learn how to simulate their minds if we are always putting them in front of a movie. Sure, some kids may learn how to sign by watching a repetitive move, but wouldn't it be so much more rewarding to have your child want to come to you to slay dragons or have a tea party or to build a tree house? I believe that a book can do so much more for an individual than a black, empty box can or ever will do.

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