Thursday, July 9, 2009

Media observation 16 - Hannah/Miley

As fun and cute as Miley is, I wonder how challenging her life has become. When we talked about the law and the freedoms journalists have to write about, I also thought about celebrities, and the freedoms they "lose" when they become public figures. Sure, Miley might have had it kind of rough because she is Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter, but after she become popular as Hannah Montana, and then as Miley Cyrus, and then she chose to make some adult decisions that, I believe affected her audience, and she tries to come back as a more mature Hannah. I just wonder if she is like that in real life. When her show first started, she seemed so innocent and so clean. I, even as a young adult loved to tune into the Disney Channel. After her photo op, I just didn't know what to think. And now, after she releases more music, puts out a movie and to me, makes some amends to the world, is she finally going to live a more sophisticated life? Or is she going to keep living the double life that you see every day on the Disney Channel.

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