Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Article 8, Cyber hijacks

Coordinated attacks to U.S. and South Korea websites are only "a harbinger of things to come." On Sunday, The Washington Post and U.S. State Department websites have periodically gone offline because a string of hijackers have uploaded electronic messages, thus making it impossible to get to the sites pages. The White House home page withstood the attacks and most pages have recovered. Department of Homeland Security said that they see attacks on federal websites everyday, downplaying it. Nevertheless, the president sees it as a priority. Experts say it was not a major strike, where thousands, not millions of computers made it impossible for people to access the homepages.

Head of Homeland Security said it is easier to pull of such hijackings. Nevertheless, it is extremely difficult to tell where these attacks come from. Furthermore, the acts aren't considered strong enough to be an act of war.

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