Friday, July 10, 2009

Media observation 18 - Me and the news

I never really realized the different sort of views I would take as an adult. I always wondered why adults just had to listen to the AM radio when my favorite song was being played on the FM. Why they were so interested in the news and not "The Little Mermaid." But now that I am a little more sophisticated wink, wink, I find myself wanting to know about the world around me. Sure it seems that 75% of what I hear is sad and depressing, nevertheless, I want to know what is happening around me. I actually want to and enjoy listening to NPR on my morning commute to school. I actually want to pick up the Scroll and read the international news. I get rather annoyed when all I can find in the news is a celebrities favorite vacation spot and their next lover. I want to know about the good and the bad, but not about the "popular." It surprises even myself to think that I have come to this state in my life. I hope to enjoy the news a little more. Like learning to enjoy spinach, broccoli, and nuts. Something that you just learn to love.

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