Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Media observation 22 - Gum

It is amazing to think that the sky is the limit when it comes to writing books. Who would have thought that some would write a complete history on the invention of gum? I would have thought about writing a three to five page paper on it for English, but never a book. However, anything is possible and anything works when we live in the world we do. The book talks about the $19 billion industry and how it is not an accepted practice everywhere. In fact, it is a crime in some cities and in the 15th century Meso-America, it was a sign of prostitutes. It describes the whereabouts and the reasons and how they came to be sugared and flavored.

Seriously, who would have ever thought that something o baosic would catch the mind of an author and thus cause the creation of a book. A book that's whole purpose is to describe the life of, gum.

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