Monday, May 25, 2009

Media observation 6, Violence in the Media

Why is it that as a society, we are becoming more allowing to violence and vulgarity? My spouse and I were watching The Express not too long ago and we were appalled at the language. The movie was rated PG and yet every five minutes a swear word was being dropped. Two nights a go we were watching Vantage Point and the first time we watched it we didn't remember there being so much killing, so much swearing, just so much violence because we were so caught up in the intensity and entertainment part of the movie; however watching it for the second time we noticed that it really is not the greatest movie. What little good it does have to it, protecting the president, realizing that family is important and that it need not be taken for granted, weren't really all that limelighted. I wonder why we let our standards get taken so low. I wonder why we as a society agree to these sorts of entertainment. Why do we watch movies like The Dark Knight that only leaves you feeling like the devil is after you. Why do we listen to music that encourages suicide and adultery? I believe that we get so bored with all the "goody too shoes" that we let ourselves be entertained by the adrenaline pumping sort of entertainment.

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