Monday, May 25, 2009

Media observation 5, Books

Discussing books in class and thinking about their purpose the last week has made me dig a little more into their value. I have come to realize that books are thoughts and ideas of people, regular average people that want to put their ideas, their lives, their fantasies and their stories on paper to share with whomsoever has interest in that subject. It amazes me that so many books are available and ready to us and still people read them amidst this vast technologically advance world. I believe and forever will, that the hard bound version will always be better then the electronic one. There is just something about opening a book, turning the pages, seeing the advancement and achievement in oneself and closing it on completion. I can't imagine a world without books and the world of knowledge and imagination they bring into our lives. They are a mass form of communication for millions of people. I bet that Stephanie Meyer or J.K. Rowling never thought that their stories or their characters would ever make such a difference or reach so many people. However, because of the ability to share via books and the printing capability of books, that is exactly what happens.

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