Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Media observation 3, Being bias

Bias, a word that so many people know so well. It is our our agency to choose in what we believe in and how we want to express ourselves, but why people do it for a job. When elections come around, so many papers and so many television shows become bias to one candidate. They badmouth the other(s) and feel like they are saving so many people from something bad. I understand, to an extent, that we have the freedom to write, speak and believe in because of that declaration made by our founding fathers. However, as readers and subscribers, don't we also have a freedom to read things as they are, unbiased? If it is in the code of journalists, or whatever it is known as, then why do journalists, why do television stations and anchors freely give of their biasness? Why is it that we have to be bias? Is it so we can have satisfaction of ourselves? Is it so we can stand for something that we otherwise might not have cared for? I believe that we need to explore our options a little more and accept people for what and who they are.

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