Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Media Observation 8, More of Today's News

I do not know why it bothers me so, but I wonder why we have to know so much about everything. It is great that the media provides so many opportunities for so many people, but it amazes me that stories about peoples lives can make other people money. I guess I am sort of a pessimist in this sort of category, but I wonder why we have to be so nosy. I honestly could care less about celebrities and their latest love life. I am not the biggest sports fan, I would much rather spend time, money and effort helping kids in my community get involved in sports, rather than going to some professional game. Now this might come hypocritical, but I am a succor for movies. However, I love them only when they are teaching something of value and worth, when the have a good moral, or when they just have a good story. Now that I have pretty much just torn down the legs from underneath of me, I want to say that if we are going to get into peoples lives, scrutinize them so severely so that the whole world knows what someones tiny flaw looks like underneath a magnifying glass, we should take a look at our own lives and what we would want. As a journalist, as a producer, as an announcer, would we want the news we are portraying and relating to thousands, to hundreds of thousands, to be displayed in that manner. If only we could get people to see that. Would they be so hasty to report all of that news?

Article 4, Sea Star

I find it absolutely fascinating how television can affect so many different things. Take for example, the fishing boat off of Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch. Before five years ago, this old crab boat, Sea Star, probably just sat in a harbor in some Alaskan community and now, during it's off season, is parked in Seattle's fisherman's harbor, selling tickets and souvenirs to tourists. The crab boat and crew brave the "roiling Bering Sea" and interpersonal conflict in the hit reality show during crabbing season. It is incredibly amazing how television can change even an old sea captains way of life.


Media Observation 7, Today's News

The Mass Media seems to be more of an addiction for my spouse than for me. I get all angry and excited when he chooses to sit down at the computer for 30 min to see what is going on in the world rather than to see what is going on with me, with us or let him talk about himself. It seems that he would much rather look into scores of dancing with the stars or see who has the latest top selling single. It is very frustrating and very aggravating. I know kind of funny coming from a broadcasting student. However, I believe that if reading the news is something that you enjoy doing, then you should get done with those things that are required. First work then play.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Newspaper Article 3, Targeted TV Ads

Targeted TV: Ads Will Soon Know You, Your Wants

Although we, as Americans, are getting entertainment from cell phones, computers and MP3 players, the average American watches more than five hours of television a day. Therefore, what advertisements that we will be getting on our televisions will soon be catered to our needs and wants. The example they give is why advertise diapers to thousands of households that do not have babies? Moreover, soon television will be interactive. For reality tv goers, with the touch of your remote, you will be able to vote for your favorite contestant. For those watching the Home Shopping network, one will be able to point their remote at the screen, put in their pin number and be able to order their product. What you buy, what you watch and other commercials that you react to will soon help the television industry.


Media observation 6, Violence in the Media

Why is it that as a society, we are becoming more allowing to violence and vulgarity? My spouse and I were watching The Express not too long ago and we were appalled at the language. The movie was rated PG and yet every five minutes a swear word was being dropped. Two nights a go we were watching Vantage Point and the first time we watched it we didn't remember there being so much killing, so much swearing, just so much violence because we were so caught up in the intensity and entertainment part of the movie; however watching it for the second time we noticed that it really is not the greatest movie. What little good it does have to it, protecting the president, realizing that family is important and that it need not be taken for granted, weren't really all that limelighted. I wonder why we let our standards get taken so low. I wonder why we as a society agree to these sorts of entertainment. Why do we watch movies like The Dark Knight that only leaves you feeling like the devil is after you. Why do we listen to music that encourages suicide and adultery? I believe that we get so bored with all the "goody too shoes" that we let ourselves be entertained by the adrenaline pumping sort of entertainment.

Media observation 5, Books

Discussing books in class and thinking about their purpose the last week has made me dig a little more into their value. I have come to realize that books are thoughts and ideas of people, regular average people that want to put their ideas, their lives, their fantasies and their stories on paper to share with whomsoever has interest in that subject. It amazes me that so many books are available and ready to us and still people read them amidst this vast technologically advance world. I believe and forever will, that the hard bound version will always be better then the electronic one. There is just something about opening a book, turning the pages, seeing the advancement and achievement in oneself and closing it on completion. I can't imagine a world without books and the world of knowledge and imagination they bring into our lives. They are a mass form of communication for millions of people. I bet that Stephanie Meyer or J.K. Rowling never thought that their stories or their characters would ever make such a difference or reach so many people. However, because of the ability to share via books and the printing capability of books, that is exactly what happens.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Media observation 4, Movie Month

I honestly never knew that May was such a big deal for movies. However, now looking back over the years, May has always started the movie season the delved into summer. It is so fascinating to think of all that movies do. They are cheap (for the most part) entertainment, they give people a reason to get together, they are located all over the world, once it comes onto DVD you can watch them over and over again, they inspire people, they degrade people, they give people jobs, and last of all, because they are all over the world, they communicate with billions of people. These affect so many things. They affect actors and their future careers, they affect the news and certain newspapers more than others. In addition to being their own mass media they help create mass media.

Media observation 3, Being bias

Bias, a word that so many people know so well. It is our our agency to choose in what we believe in and how we want to express ourselves, but why people do it for a job. When elections come around, so many papers and so many television shows become bias to one candidate. They badmouth the other(s) and feel like they are saving so many people from something bad. I understand, to an extent, that we have the freedom to write, speak and believe in because of that declaration made by our founding fathers. However, as readers and subscribers, don't we also have a freedom to read things as they are, unbiased? If it is in the code of journalists, or whatever it is known as, then why do journalists, why do television stations and anchors freely give of their biasness? Why is it that we have to be bias? Is it so we can have satisfaction of ourselves? Is it so we can stand for something that we otherwise might not have cared for? I believe that we need to explore our options a little more and accept people for what and who they are.

Article 2, New Church History Library

In this week's Scroll, an article caught my attention about a new Church History Library. It is set to be opened on June 22 and is located just east of the conference center. The new building is relocating from its old location in the Church Office Building because of many things, some being that there just wasn't enough space, and not just for the people but for all of the archives. Furthermore, the documents were not protected from natural destroyers like fire, humidity and earthquakes. Therefore, the new building will be equipped with climate controlled rooms that will control humidity levels needed for preserving old documents. The library will provide public access to the public and will include history of the church, 240,000 unpublished records, 3.5 million patriarchal blessings, 13,000 photographs and 23,000 audiovisual items. In addition, people will be able to access over 270,000 books, pamphlets, magazines and newspapers.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Podcast 1 - NPR Technology

So I believe that the biggest oxymoron has finally come to be. The oh so powerful and technically advanced iPhone has a new app to it, the FM and AM radio app. Whenever I think of radio, I think of a big wooden radio where families gathered to listen to stories and to spend time together. I think of radios cranked up in parking lots so that sweethearts can softly sway to the sound of their song on a moonlit night. I think of hot summer days and country music playing as we harvested our crop. So now you can listen to the radio anywhere on your iPhone. And one great feature of the iPhone is that if you have a call coming in, it cancels the radio and flips you over to the call. It's amazig to think that the phone has advanced so far! It used to just be a couple of buttons that carried your voice over some invisible wire to the communicatee. Then came games like snake, then smaller phones, then flip phones, then colored screen phones, then music and interet on your phone and then super intense all in one computer and phone, Blackberries and iPhones. So it is, that technology is growing, technology is advancing and technology is combining things into one, like radios and iPhones.

Story from
NPR: 03-04-2009 Technology / NPR: Technology Podcast

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Media Observation 2, Mass Media, it's everywhere

I never realized how much we are and were exposed to the media on a daily basis. As we drive to work or school we are exposed to not only billboards on the roadside but also to the ad's that play over and over on the radio. Then we are exposed to different sorts of media as we pick up a newspaper or magazine at the front desk or open up our home page to get caught up on the latest news around the world. Then as we return home, we stop at the local grocery store and get exposed by all the ad's in the coupon booklet. Then we get home and turn on the television only to be overloaded with all sorts of media. Media is truly everywhere and I would have to say that I believe that that we are exposed to it more than we sleep.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Media Observation, Radio Ad

So, my spouse was telling me about an ad he heard on the radio. It was a dating service for married people! If you were married and needed a little break from your spouse, you could go ont this website and look for other married people who wanted a date as well! It was like a dating service for singles, but for married people. I was astounded! It seems that the media is used for so much good and so much bad. Fortunately, some people still take the initiative to do something about it. A radio was playing it in Utah and when, I believe, the owner heard it playing on his station, he immediately pulled it. Commercials of all kinds have effects on people and it seems he didn't want this kind of effect coming from something he represents.