Monday, June 22, 2009

Article 5, Tobacco Advertising

Obama signs tobacco regulation bill into law

President Obama signed the bill into law on Monday the 22nd of June. This law gives the Food and Drug administration broad authority to the marketing and manufacturing of tobacco products. It also bans fruit/spice flavored cigarettes, rids the labels "light" and "low tar" and puts on new expansive warning labels. It also gives the FDA the ability to order the manufacturers a reduce in the nicotine put into cigarettes. The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act would watch and act upon the constant and inappropriate advertisements so obviously targeted at children. The president pointed out that 90% of smokers started before age 18. He admitedly said, "I know; I was one of those teenagers."

Democrat Senator Kennedy said that for decades, "tobacco companies have seduced millions of teenagers into lifetimes of addition and premature death...Enactment of this legislation will finally put a stop to that."